English follows Japanese
- 初めての、日本の女性史100年を振り返る演劇だと、言われています。
- 終演後の会場ロビーにおいて、またアンケートで、「もっと知りたい」「次の世代に見てもらいたい」というご感想を多く頂きました。より多くのお客様に本作をご覧いただきたいと、ご都合の良い時に、ご自宅から、オンラインでご覧いただけるよう、オンデマンド配信を行います。
2022年 京都再演
2023年 東京・福岡朗読公演
2020年 赤松良子ジェンダー平等基金採択事業 ____________________________________________
日仏女性の人権架け橋 ミモザ実行委員会
Tel 050-3595-2200
前売り3500円 当日4000円
会場 東京都福生市民会館
助成 笹川日仏財団
主催 日仏女性の人権架け橋 ミモザ実行委員会
The setting is Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, where a total lockdown has been announced due to a new coronavirus outbreak in March 2020. Under the uncertainty of not knowing when they will be able to depart, three women happen to sit next to each other in the departure lobby.
Mariko grew up in an international environment and is called half-Japanese. Yumi is a designer who confides that she had an unwanted pregnancy and abortion when she was young. Keiko is searching for her gender identity while working as a translator for a Parisian publishing house.
When Keiko's philosophical response to a racist remark at a coffee shop piques their interest, a conversation ensues. Ryoko, who can travel back and forth in time and space, tells them that the three high grandmothers knew each other in the 1910s when the "bluestocking" publishing house was created, written, and read by women, published by HIRATSUKA Raicho. Three women living today, in the Taisho era (the 1910s), the women's liberation era of the 1970s, and 1990's. They meet women who lived in the past and each of them is empowered by reaffirming where they came from and where they stand today. Now, where will these women go from here?
For more information, please contact
Mimoza Women’s rights theatre cultural exchange between Japan and France
web: woman-engeki.com
e-mail: mimoza.japan@gmail.com
Tel 050-3595-2200
Theater Performance Information
Date: 22 February and 23 February 2023
Price: 3500 yen in advance, 4000 yen at the door
Venue: Fussa Civic Hall, TOKYO
Supported by The Sasakawa Franco-Japanese Foundation
Organized by Mimoza Women’s rights theatre cultural exchange between Japan and France
公演映像 ( Vimeoオンデマンド配信)演劇 ミモザウェイズ 1910-2020 東京公演/Mimoza Ways Tokyo 2023
支払い方法: クレジットカード
返品・交換について 商品到着後7日以内にご連絡いただければ、未開封・未使用に限り返品を受け付けます。